An Outstanding Collection
Pequot Library is known for its outstanding collection of materials on genealogy and local history. Researchers are provided with a broad choice of printed materials relating to New England, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and other Mid-Atlantic states, and Southeastern states. In addition, the collection offers published family histories, lineage society resources, military histories, ethnic genealogy, and a good selection of genealogy finding aids.
Genealogy Roundtables
Monthly Genealogy Roundtables are held year-round at 10:00 a.m. on the second Saturday of each month. Genealogists Bill Stansfield, Beth Northrop, and Bob Grilley help answer your questions and suggest new sources and strategies for research. Participants are encouraged to share their research experiences and findings. On occasion the Roundtable will begin with a short talk by one of the Genealogists. Free.
Upcoming Roundtable EventsGenealogy Research
Free Websites:
Family Search:
Heritage Quest:
CT State Library:
Websites that Charge Fees:
New England Historic Genealogical Society:
New York Genealogical and Biographical Society: